

Alexander Levakov

Recently Published

Polaris story
Война 21-го века
Очевидное - невероятное
Факторный анализ развития ИТ США
Demystifying RS-24 Range
Demystifying Sejjil MRBM Range
TOP500 HPC Race by ML
TOP500 HPC Race by Naive Bayes
TOP500 HPC Race by LGM
TOP500 HPC Race by Pareto Rule
Bayesian Linear Regression for Heavy Artillery. K9 Thunder case
Bayesian Linear Regression for Heavy Artillery. K9 Thunder case
Linear Regression for Heavy Artillery. K9 Thunder case
Linear Regression for Heavy Artillery. K9 Thunder case
PRSM flight test story
Top 10 Space Rockets
Linear regression:Mass ~ Height
Top 10 Space Rockets
Linear regression: Thrust ~ Height
Top 10 Space Rockets
Linear regression: Thrust ~ Mass
Rmax/Rpeak boxplot by region
Rmax/Rpeak by continent
Logistic Regression Classification
US-China HPC by Rmax/Rpeak
TOP500, 11/2019: US-China
TOP500, 11/2019: US-China
TOP500, 11/2019: US-China
TOP500, 11/2019: US-China
TOP500: US-China
TOP500: US-China
TOP500: US-China
TOP500: US-China
M51 Bayesian Proportion Test
Tomahawk flight test story
Doomsday Plane Survivability
Missile defense for HUAM
Demystifying GBMD reliability
Hwasong-12 threat to HUAM
AEGIS 42/52
THAAD 13/17
Demystifying THAAD Reliability
Demystifying TITAN-II
W76-2 mystery
Demystifying DF-26
Demystifying AEGIS reliability
Demystifying SS-20
M51 flight test beta-binomial model
Prior Beta(0.5,0.5)
M51 flight test Bernoulli Bayesian model
Prior Beta(0.5,0.5)
SSN32 flight test beta-binomial model
Flat uninformative prior likelihood beta(a=1/2,b=1/2)
D5 flight test beta-binomial model
Flat uninformative prior likelihood beta(a=1/2,b=1/2)
Demystifying BULAVA
Estimating range and reliability of SS-N-32 through Bayesian statistics.
BULAVA beta-binomial model
D5 PEM binomial model 2
D5 PEM binomial model 1
Demystifying Midgetman MGM-134A
Bayesian linear regression for operational range.
1958-2018 US midterms election results
Student test case
Demystifying M51 SLBM
Probability density of M51.2 range
Bayesian linear regression
Demystifying Minuteman III
Bayesian linear regression for ICBM LGM-30
Minuteman III range
Probability density of Minuteman III range
Demystifying Pershing II
Bayesian linear regression model for Pershing II operational range based on SLBM data
Pershing II range
Bayesian linear regression with STAN
Agni-V ICBM Operational Range Estimation
Bayesian linear regression model with STAN.
Probability density of 24 Trident II D5 successful salvo 1990,2018
Bayesian model with MCMC
Trident II D5 reliability estimation
Satan-2 Operational Range Estimation
Satan-2 operational range, applying linear regression both in frequentest and Bayesian paradigm on SLBM data.
Satan 2 ICBM Range
Bayesian linear regression
London versus Chicago by crimes statistics
Pareto chart comparison method
Long range guns. Part 3
Bayesian linear regression model
Long range guns. Part 2
Predicting Range with the model
Long range guns statistics
US-China supercomputers race
Supercomputers race: US - China
Rmax/Rpeak density
Supercomputers race: US - China
log(Total.Cores) density
Supercomputers race: US-China
Supercomputers race: US - China
Linear regression plot
Bayesian linear regression for Hwasong-15 range
Taxi interactive plot
Taxi data mining
Taxi data mining
US Missile defense credibility
Bayesian binomial test with Markov Chain model for BMD reliability estimation
SIOP for Trident D5. Simplex
Linear optimization for Trident D5 depressed trajectory
SIOP for Trident D5
Linear equations for SIOP
SLBM race analysis with MCMC
Bayesian inference for SLBM reliability
SLBM race. Part 3
Credible intervals for SLBM reliability by MCMC
SLBM race. Part 2
Credible intervals for SLBM reliability by MCMC
SLBM race
Credible intervals for SLBM reliability by MCMC
Missile threat
North Korean KN-11 Range estimation
C3I multiplier for Trident D5
MK4A versus MK4
Comparing kill target potential of US submarine with 24 Trident D5 armed with MK4A and MK4 MIRV s.
Chicago crimes. Part 7
Time series forecasting.
Chicago crimes. Part 8
Comparison of D.W.Bush and B.Obama presidency in terms of monthly homicide rate means.
US President statistics. Part 3
This time we use data for the purpose of multivariate analysis through chernoff faces.
Chicago crimes. Part 6
Now we want to estimate criminal vilolence level in Chicago by the type of crime longitude and latitude during daytime and nighttime.
Chicago crimes. Part 5
Gangs wars in Chicago through the dynamics of areas of crimes. Big data case.
Chicago crimes. Part 4
Now we'll try to estimate difference in number of crimes in Chicago by types versus locations using contigency tables and Chi-squared test.
Chicago crimes. Part 3
Now we estimate difference in number of crimes by location using contigency tables
Chicago crimes. Part 2
The estimation of criminal vilolence level in Chicago by comparing statistics for days of the week and months. Chi-squared test.
Chicago crimes
Applying big data for exploring crimes in Chicago (2001 - 2017).
Super Bowl LI 2016
Frequentist and Bayesian statistics estimations.
US President statistics. Part 2
US President party classification by economy indicators.
US President statistics
DF41 range and reliability
Linear regression and bayesian binomial test
UK Trident D5 malfunction
A little secret of Trident D5 reliability proved by UK in 2016.
U-boat statistics: Bayesian case
U-boat statistics: Bayesian case
U-boat statistics: frequentist case
Student test for german 1943 u-boats statistics.
Russian history: frequentist versus Bayesian case
Russian history: frequentist versus Bayesian case
Cuban missile crisis
Linear regression for R12 range based on SLBM data
Space race
Bayesian statistics with Markov chain Monte Carlo for space launches.
Markov chain for BMD: Bayesian case
Markov chain for BMD: Bayesian case
US election 2016 results
US election 2016 results
The Network-Centric Warfare Technology program element PE 0603766E cost linear model
Supercomputers: linear regression
Predicting Rpeak for Sunway TaihuLight.
Linear and logistic regression for SLBM
Linear and logistic regression for SLBM
Credible interval for Trident reliability
Credible interval for Trident reliability
US election 2016
US election 2016
PCA and LM for MPADS
PCA and LM for MPADS
Circular error probable
Circular error probable
French kings: Bayesian case
French kings: Bayesian case
Budget deficit
Budget deficit
Bayes and NASA
Bayes and NASA
Ski jumping statistics
Ski jumping statistics
MC optimisation
MC optimisation
GDP and Marshall plan
GDP and Marshall plan
Wimbeldon 2015
Wimbeldon 2015 statistics
Binomial test for M51 and D5
Binomial test: how much is enough?
Two proportions test
Two proportions test
Supercomputers: data mining tour with R
Nash equilibrium
Chi-square test: a case study
Les Rois Maudits
Student test for Yandex
Student test for Yandex statistics
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Bayes rule
Markov chain for oil prices
Markov chain, oil prices.
binomial test power
binomial test power
Believe it or not
Binomial test and Bayes’ rule
Markov chain for BMD
Markov chain for BMD
Binomial test for Aegis extended
Binomial test, null and alternative hypotesis, power, Bayes statistics