

Ashish Sharda

Recently Published

Using Outliers
Example using outliers
Weather Data
Using leaflet to show weather data
Example using html tools and Popup
Leaflet-Add Circles
Example using leaflet Add Circles
Using Ersi
Using leaflet and Ersi as a provider
Leaflet -Open Map
Basic Example using Leaflet
Histogram using ggvis
Example using GeomPlot HIstogram
Example using Layer_Smooth
Using cocaine data set
Using ggvis
Example using ggvis
Economist Theme Plot
Ex using economist theme plot and scale
WSJ Theme
Power of ggplot using wsj theme
ScatterPlot All in One
Use Scatter Plot Multiple Colors
GGPlot Histogram
Example using ggplot histogram require(ggplot2) head(diamonds) summary(diamonds) ggplot(diamonds,aes(x=carat))+geom_histogram()+facet_wrap(~color)
Using facet_grid
Example using facet_grid
GgPlot Example 7
Diamond data set example. Combination using different aes
Diamond Data Set
Ex using diamond data set
Using Scales and Lubridate
Use Economics data set and use the libs scales and lubridate to beautify
Using Scales and Economics data set
Economics Data Plot
Using Economics Data Plot and geom_line
Using Geom_Line Plot
Using geom_line data plot
Geom_Jitter Plot
Using Geom_Jitter and Geom_Violin Plot
Point and Violin Plot
change the order of point and violin plot
Geom Point and Geom Violin
Example using diamond data set ,geom point and geom violin
Violin Plot
Using Violin Plot
Box Plot using Diamonds data set
Example using scatter plot ,diamonds data set
BoxPlot -Diamonds
Using Diamond data set, ggplot and plot a boxplot
Using ggplot -density and diamonds collection
GGPlot -Histogram
Using Diamond Data Set and plotting histogram using ggplot
Example using Diamonds Box Plot
Price vs Carat
Using scatter plot to plot price vs Carat
Histogram 2
Histogram ,Add Main Title
Histogram 1
Basic Histogram plot using diamond data set
Histogram Using FaithFul Dataset
duration=faithful$eruptions hist(duration,right = FALSE)
Regression of MPG on Weight
Source Code : attach(mtcars) plot(wt,mpg) abline(lm(wt~mpg)) title("Regression of MPG on Weight")
Pie Chart -> MASS
Pie chart using MASS libr
Plot TeamId and Rank
Eg to demonstrate scatter plot "This dataset is choosen from :" data=read.csv("teams.csv") attach(data) summary(data) plot(teamID,Rank)
Iris Plot Petal Length
Plot Petal Length in Iris Data Set
Iris Plot
Publish categorical variable #Histogram import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt a=np.array([5,2,8,10,12,18,20,28]) plt.hist(a,bins=[0,5,10,15,20,25,30]) plt.title("Histogram")
Using Plots
Using Plots and Iris Data Set
Iris Data Set
Basic Plot Using Iris Data Set
GGVis Basics
First install the package ggvis Then run the below commands : p <- ggvis(mtcars, x = ~wt, y = ~mpg) p <- ggvis(mtcars, x = ~wt, y = ~mpg) layer_points(p)
BoxPlot using ggplot
ScatterPlot with individual data points
library(ggplot2) data(txhousing) summary(txhousing) ggplot(data= txhousing, aes(x=median))+geom_histogram(fill="red")
Plot using ggplot2 with colors
library(ggplot2) data(midwest) summary(midwest) ggplot(data= midwest, aes(x=state))+geom_bar(fill="green")
library(ggplot2) ggplot(data= txhousing, aes(x=listings,y=sales))+geom_point()
Plot using ggplot2
library(ggplot2) ggplot(diamonds) ggplot(diamonds) + geom_point(aes(x=carat, y=price, color=cut)) + geom_smooth(aes(x=carat, y=price, color=cut))
library(quantmod) start<-as.Date("2018-01-01") end<-as.Date("2018-11-15") getSymbols("MSFT",src="yahoo",from=start,to=end) print(head(MSFT)) plot(MSFT[,"MSFT.Close"],main = "MSFT") candleChart(MSFT,up.col="black",down.col="red",theme = "white")
Apple Stock Chart 2019
library(quantmod) start<-as.Date("2019-01-01") end<-as.Date("2019-02-15") getSymbols("AAPL",src="yahoo",from=start,to=end) print(head(AAPL)) plot(AAPL[,"AAPL.Close"],main = "AAPL") candleChart(AAPL,up.col="black",down.col="red",theme = "white")
Apple Candlestick Chart Analysis using R
Plot Candlestick chart using R library(quantmod) start <- as.Date("2018-01-01") end <- as.Date("2018-10-01") getSymbols("AAPL", src = "yahoo", from = start, to = end) print(head(AAPL)) plot(AAPL[,"AAPL.Close"],main="AAPL") candleChart(AAPL,up.col="black",dn.col="red",theme="white")
Stock Analysis
Plot Apple Stock Data : library(quantmod) start <- as.Date("2018-01-01") end <- as.Date("2018-10-01") getSymbols("AAPL", src = "yahoo", from = start, to = end) print(head(AAPL)) plot(AAPL[,"AAPL.Close"],main="AAPL")
AirQuality Index
hist(airquality$Month,col = "orange")
Histogram of AirQuality Temperature
hist(airquality$Temp,col = "yellow")
Histogram of AirLinePassengers
Niles Histogram
Niles Histogram
Auto MPG Data Plot
Auto MPG Data Plot
Project Analysis
Using Plot and Box Plot
Using Plot and Box Plot summary(cars) plot(cars) boxplot(cars) head(cars)
Carat Plot 15
Carat Plot 15
Carat Plot 12
Carat Plot 12
Carat Plot 11
Carat Plot 11
Carat Plot 7
Carat Plot 7
Carat Plot 6
Carat Plot 6
Carat Plot
Carat Plot 5
Carat Plot 4
Carat Plot 4
Carat Plot -2
Carat Plot
Carat Plot
Carat Plot
Histogram Plot
Histogram Plot
Corrgram Plot
Corrgram Plot
Scatter Plot
Scatter Plot
Scatter Plot
Scatter Plot3
Correlation Plot
Correlation Plot
Scatter Plot
Scatter Plot
hexbin plot
hexbin plot
Proportions Plot
Proportions Plot
RColor Brewer Plot
RColor Brewer Plot
Mosaic Plot
Mosaic Plot
Probability Plot
Probability Plot
Lattice Plot
Lattice Plot
Scatterplots of MPG vs. Horsepower
Scatterplots of MPG vs. Horsepower
Mileage by Gear Number
Mileage by Gear Number
Regression of MPG on Weight
Regression of MPG on Weight
Miles per Gallon
Miles per Gallon
Distribution of Gas Milage
Distribution of Gas Milage
Density Plot
Density Plot
Johnson & Johnson stock price - decomposition
Johnson & Johnson stock price - decomposition
Unemployment Data - LOESS
Unemployment Data - LOESS
US Postage Rates for Letters, First Ounce, 1991-2009
US Postage Rates for Letters, First Ounce, 1991-2009
Activity One: Hot Dog Eating - bar graphs
Activity One: Hot Dog Eating - bar graphs
Project Assignment
Plot using Leaflet
Plot using Leaflet
Time Series Plot2
Time Series Plot2 using quandl
Time Series Plot
Time Series Plot using Quandl
Plot mtcars
Plots created
Car Plot 4
Car Plot 4
Plotly plot