

Benjamin Bellman

Recently Published

Pilot Byers Matching (Report #1)
Report #1 for linking Byers Company Sample to historical census microdata.
At which scale is segregation the widest?
This report shows how to spatially decompose the Dissimilarity index of segregation, and how to find how much a spatial scale contributes to overall segregation.
Introduction to R
Slides from R Workshop at PSTC, Brown University, August 28-29, 2018.
Data Manipulation - tidyverse and dplyr
Slides from R Workshop at PSTC, Brown University, August 28-29, 2018.
ggplot2 - Data Visualization
Slides from R Workshop at PSTC, Brown University, August 28-29, 2018.
Modeling in R
Slides from R Workshop at PSTC, Brown University, August 28-29, 2018.
Cleaning Data with R
Slides from R Workshop at PSTC, Brown University, August 28-29, 2018.
Advanced R Topics
Slides from R Workshop at PSTC, Brown University, August 28-29, 2018.
Twitter Data and Network Analysis with R
Guide for accessing Twitter data and using tidygraph package.
Spatial Data in R with sf and tigris
Guide for using spatial data with R.
Leaflet Redlining Example
GIS Beyond ArcMap
Slides for presentation in SOC 1340 at Brown University, December 5, 2017.