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Milestone Report for Text prediction Shiny App
This is the first report for the data science capstone by JHU on coursera
Analysis of the COVID-19 Dashboard
This presentation is done for the Coursera course Developing Data Products. The final assignment was to create a Shiny app and a reproducible pitch
Tesla Stock prediction with ARIMA
This is a small presentation about using ARIMA model to predict TSLA stock.
Animation of GDP and life expectancy
This is a project for the Developing Data products assignment to use poorly in an R markdown presentation. I used the ggplotly function on the gap minder data to animate the GDP per capita and life expectancy.
Starbucks Location in the US with Leaflet
using the leaflet package from R to visualize Starbucks locations in the United States
Hospital Ranking with R functions
Project 3 for coursera course R Programming
Air Pollution Data Analysis with R functions
Project 1 of Coursera course R Programming
Basic Inferential Data Analysis on ToothGrowth Data
Part 2 of Coursera Statistical Inference project.
Sample vs Theoretical Exponential Distribution in R
This is part 1 of the statistical inference course final project. It showcases the CLT.
NOAA Storm Data Analysis in R
This is the second project from the coursera course Reproducible Research, where the task is to explore storm data by NOAA and to answer two questions by performing data analysis.
Activity Monitor Data Analysis with R
This is my first rpubs file for the coursera course Reproducible Research Assignment 1