

So-called Forecaster

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Boostrapping Methods (HW1)
Matrix and Other Perspectives
Hi guys, long time no see. I have just struggled some hardships recently and having done this post makes me feel a lot relieved at the current time. Having good time reading and enjoy yourself.
Bayesian Modeling and Predicting Movies' Score
Final Project of Bayesian Statistics Course (Duke University)
R Lab - Bayesian Hypothesis Testing
R Lab from Bayesian Statistics Course provided by Duke University on Coursera
Simple Compound Distribution: Poisson-Gamma Mixture
Hi guys!!! Just finished the thesis defense. A easy-to-read post for digesting the despair and desolution in the past few months
Vasicek One Factor Model
Just a simple implementation, the mathematical basis is involved in the preparation
An Example of First Order DLM
EXAMPLE 2.1, Bayesian Forecasting and Dynamics Models (Mike West and Jeff Harrison, 1997)
A note on Linear Algebra
For the purpose of revision of key knowledge
R Packages Popularity
Metrics Using For Similarity and Dissimilarity Measurements
Long time no see guys !!!
Poisson Regression (using stan_glm)
First part with Poisson regression only !!!
Inverse Transform Sampling
Computational Statistics for Fun !!!
Laplace Approximation
Based on STA 250: Statistics by Surya T Tokdar
Metropolis-Hasting Algorithm
Based on Doing Bayesian Data Analysis - Kruschke’s book (2nd edition 2015)
Dynamic Linear Models
This is a first part on Dynamic Linear Models. Major reference is from Mike West (1997) To be continue !!!
Forecasting Intermittent Demand
This is solely a data exploration !!! The custom function is collected mainly from Nikolaos Kourentzes (2014), which the forecasts is compared with FPP3
Forecasting Sales (with Prophet)
This is just an experiment for future work and project. The result is consistent with conclusion from Rob Hyndman !!!
Portfolio Selection in VietNam
Using Bayesian Optimization to allocate weight between assets
Forecasting Sales (Baseline method)
Using classical methods such as ARIMA, ARIMAX and ETS with the use of combination forecasting to produce a reasonable results
Portfolio Optimization