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Duke - Intro - Exploring the BRFSS data
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a survey administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Each of the fifty (50) state health departments conducts the phone survey (ie., both landline and cellular phones) of adult U.S. residents regarding their risk behaviors and preventive health practices; for example, sleep, exercise, chronic health conditions.
Practical Machine Learning/Course Project: Weight Lifting (WL) Prediction
Test of RPubs because I haven't used in a while. It was difficult last time, but it's easy now!
My course project for (6) regression models
doesn't seem to matter
John Hopkins Data Science: Statistical Inference, Project 1
Magic of the CLT
Storm Impacts
Peer Assessment #2
PA1_template (test 2)
it worked, yipee!
just my first test of RPubs