

Chad Salinas

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Next Word Predictor Presentation
Next Word Predictor predicts up to 5 candidate next words based on the last 3 words of your partial phrase. As you type, our algorithm successively culls through prepared quadgrams, trigrams, and bigrams to proffer the 5 top choices for the next word. Those grams emanated from a carefully curated corpus of blog, twitter, and news data.
Data Science NLP Word Predictor
Our goal was to build a model to predict the next word when a user types in one or two words in an application. The user’s welfare would be increased by having 5 suggestions as to the next word he/she intends to type. Traditionally, the suggestion of a new word emanated from encoding a language’s grammar rules. In recent years, however, the approach has shifted to making a statistical inference about what the next likely word the user intends to type based on training a model with real-world corpora that are representative of the modern usage of a language.
Predicting Quality in Human Activity using Machine Learning
Chad Salinas Machine Learning to classify physical activity by quality...
Golf Market Size Prediction
Predicts the size of the World Wide Golf Market by Number of Rounds Played and Participation rates Author: Chad Salinas
Chad Salinas Plotly Golf Equipment Purchases 2017
What equipment are US golfers buying in 2017... by Chad Salinas
Top 10 States for Junior Golf
Hotspots of the states that produce the top ranked junior golfers.
Chad Salinas Plotly 3d Surface
Chad Salinas Plotly 3d Surface with continuous color
3dScatter using Plotly
Chad Salinas 3dScatter using Plotly
Analysis of Multiple Predictors on MPG
Chad Salinas ::: Analysis of Multiple Predictors on MPG
Importance of Central Limit Theorem Chad Salinas
Weather Events Effects on Population Health and Economies
Weather Events Effects on Population Health and Economies in the United States from 1950-2011