

Connor Higgins

Recently Published

Research Dashboarding with Shiny
A shiny dashboard developed in the course of my research as a Bio-statistics Intern at Genospace.
Kaggle Retail Analysis using Shiny
A Shiny application was developed to compare stores in the Kaggle Retail Analytics set
Webscraping Example: Analyzing ‘Best Epic Fantasy’ on GoodReads
A follow-up to my last post, highlighting some simple uses of the webscraper I've written. Also are some suggestions for other uses.
GoodReads Webscraper (rvest)
A short description of, and tutorial for, a webscraper I've written as a side project. It primarily makes use of the rvest package. Originally it was written for my own projects, and as a portfolio piece. However, feel free to use it to assemble datasets for your own analyses, or to edit it to suit the purposes of your project.