

Danielle Ormandy

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GeoLocation Data using ggplot2
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DV Histograms and Boxplots
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Ta Feng Grocery Analysis
An analysis of the Ta Feng Grocery dataset
Data Analysis Assignment
Machine Learning Assignment Part 2 'Likelihood of Violent Crimes in USA Communities'
This Assignment utilizes the USA Communities and Crime Data Set, sourced from the UCI Dataset Repository. Creator: Michael Redmond (redmond '@'; Computer Science; La Salle University; Philadelphia, PA, 19141, USA. This Dataset combines socio-economic data from the '90 Census, law enforcement data from the 1990 Law Enforcement Management and Admin Stats survey, and crime data from the 1995 FBI UCR The per capita violent crimes variable is calculated using per community population and the sum of crime variables considered violent crimes in the United States: murder, rape, robbery, and assault in each community. The dataset contains a large amount of information collected from each community which can be summarized in the broad categories of race, age, employment, marital status, immigration data and home ownership. In Part 1 of this Assignment the data was cleaned and transformed, and the processed dataset is used as input to Part 2.Understanding where violent crime happens can be a key to understanding why it happens. Environmental, Social and population characteristics may be important predictors of the level of violent crime in a population. Determining which are most influencial on the level of violent crime will provide valuable input to neighborhood design, urban development, and policing practices. Data from the USA Communities and Crime Data Set, sourced from the UCI Dataset Repository, was used with different machine learning models to predict the level of Violent Crime in USA Communities. Different optimization techniques were tested and compared to find the model with the best predictive performance.
Machine Learning Assignment Part 1 'Likelihood of Violent Crimes in USA Communities'
This Assignment investigates USA Communities and Crime Data Set, sourced from the UCI Dataset Repository. Creator: Michael Redmond (redmond '@'; Computer Science; La Salle University; Philadelphia, PA, 19141, USA This Dataset combines socio-economic data from the '90 Census, law enforcement data from the 1990 Law Enforcement Management and Admin Stats survey, and crime data from the 1995 FBI UCR Understanding where violent crime happens can be a key to understanding why it happens. Environmental, Social and population characteristics may be important predictors of the level of violent crime in a population. Determining which are most influencial on the level of violent crime will provide valuable input to neighborhood design, urban development, and policing practices. Part one of this analysis aims to examine the characteristics availible and whether they can be used for predicting the probability of violent crimes in a population using a USA Communities and Crime Data Set, sourced from the UCI Dataset Repository. The per capita violent crimes variable is calculated using per community population and the sum of crime variables considered violent crimes in the United States: murder, rape, robbery, and assault in each community.