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Finance News Sentiment Analysis using Keras
Using finance news dataset, scraped from Twitter. I will create NN model using keras to predict the sentiment
Machine Learning Capstone - SMS Spam Classifier
This SMS dataset is collected from real SMS dataset with a spam/ham label for every message. In this capstone project, we are going to build a classification model to predict spam from SMS texts. I will use the Naive Bayes model for this project.
Forecasting Wikipedia Game of Thrones
Dalam Analisis Time Series ini, saya mencoba melakukan forecasting terhadap perkiraan jumlah view halaman wikipedia Game of Throne dalam kurun waktu satu tahun ke depan.
Kickstarter Explorer
Storm Data Analysis
Storm Data Analysis from U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) storm database
20 Years of Video Game
Focusing on game title release on 3 big console game vendor: Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft
wordcloud and ggplot2
TMDB Movie - Data Visualisation
This is my first time doing data visualization using Kaggle dataset