

Enwu Liu

Recently Published

Plot restricted cubic spline
A study note
Convert a string to a variable name in R function
Convert a string to a variable name in R function
SAS loop errors
Linear mixed models for repeated measurements in clinical trials
A detailed explanation of the linear mixed model for clinical trials
Regression analysis for cluster data
Use SAS, R and STATA to analyse clustered data.
Delta method for predictive models
Using delta method to calculate 95% confidence interval of predicted values
Weighted Least Square Regression
A not for Weighted Least Square Regression
Multiplicative random effect model of meta-analysis
Just another note.
Confidence interval for ratios
Just a note
Rstudio blank GUI
Just a note
Just a note for clumping
A SAS macro to change all variable names in a dataset.
A SAS macro to change all variable names in a dataset.
A note on competing risks in survival data analysis
Competing risk analysis in survival analysis using SAS and R
Tensor and tensor product
Simulating survival data with competing risk
Just a note
Kolmogorov differential equations
Just a note
Complementary log-log link
Newton Raphson and Fisher Scoring
The difference between Newton Raphson and Fisher scoring.
SIR with vaccination
A SIR model with vaccination
This is a note for the MSEIR dynamic system
Runge-Kutta Method
A simple note for Runge-Kutta Method (RK4) method
Solving Differential Equations in R: Package deSolve
deSolve package
Wall plug, drill size and screw size
Wall plug, drill size and screw size
Calculate R0
Center of a Taylor Series
A review of center of a Taylor Series
A detailed review on Iterative re-weighted least squares (IRLS) methods
A method review on the IRLS
Consistency of MLE
Product rule of differentiation
Product rule of differentiation
Converge in distribution
Power analysis
Notes for order statistics
Kernel regression
Bayesian linear regression
loggamma distribution
Notes for student's theorem
Variance of mixture normal distributions
Calculate the variance of mixture normals
Random effect meta-analysis
Calculation method for random effect meta-analysis
R code for BLUP of the mixed model
The code is for the example from the paper 'That BLUP Is a Good Thing: The Estimation of Random Effects' Robinson, George K. "That Blup Is a Good Thing: The Estimation of Random Effects." Statistical science 6, no. 1 (1991): 15-32.