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Where should we add more bike stations and lanes?
This map visualizes the connectivity of the MoGo bike-sharing network in Detroit. It displays the degree centrality of each station, indicating how well-connected they are within the network, along with edges that either overlap or do not overlap with existing bike lanes. This analysis helps identify areas where bike lane infrastructure may be lacking, providing insights for potential improvements.
Detroit Zones: Opportunities and Developments
This interactive map provides an overview of Detroit's economic and residential development zones. It highlights key areas including Neighborhood Enterprise Zones (NEZ NR Districts), NEZ Homestead Districts (NEZ H Districts), proposed NEZ Homestead areas (NEZ H Current Districts), and federally designated Opportunity Zones. Each zone is color-coded for easy identification. Key intersections between zones are also depicted, providing insights into areas of overlapping interest. Interactive labels provide the names of the areas as you hover over them. Additionally, the map outlines Detroit's Master Plan Neighborhoods in grey, providing a contextual backdrop for understanding the spatial distribution of these development initiatives. This map serves as a tool to visualize and analyze the landscape of economic and residential planning in Detroit.