

Fangya Sin/Cos

Recently Published

MMRM SAS R equivalence
The equivalence code for SAS and R to perform MMRM
Calendar Plot
calendar plot as tracking tool
Praise myself everyday
Cheer up myself everday
Bowen thesis
Swimmer Lane Plot
Different methods to generate swimmer plot
happy concert info
Moma cloud tour
Week 7 ResNet Paper Review
ResNet Paper Review
paper review for Image Net
DenseNet paper Review
paper review
chocolate bar anaysis
H_catalyst basic statistics M1
study design
G crypto
Machine Learning Algorithm to Predict the Survival Outcome for Heart Failure
1. Random Forest 2. GBM 3. Linear Regression
MANOVA & ANOVA example with Mtcars dataset
Basics of MANOVA
frailty model
SVM method
basic PCA concept and examples
Sample Size Calculation
basics of sample sizes
Randomization Methods
three randomization methods: simple randomization, block randomization, and stratified randomization
Spotify 2018 Top 100 Song anlaysis
analysis the data structure and try to identify what are the secret ingredients(Tempo, Keys, Name) for popular songs.
What is the Story of your Favorite Game
a data visualization from Kaggle Mobile App Dataset
Flow State
Pie chart of Flow state
R fractals
an fractal application inspired by godel Escher bach
Linear Optimazation
Paper Recycling
Logistic Regression
Simple Logistic Regression Background Information and Arthritis Example
a512 hw 6
data vis hw 6
Multiple imputation
A brief analysis of the trade war between USA and China
Simulation midterm
MOMA artworks analysis
data visualization of MOMA artworks
mental health analysis
categorical mental health analysis on tech company
Neilsen tv dataset
logistic regression on Neilsen tv dataset
analysis top 100 songs
Wildlife trading data
hw 5
Vietnam, criminal dataset using mca, ca
mosaic graph
Twitter HU followers analysis
Use HU followers' twitter data to perform analysis
Anly 545-hw3
odds ratio
Shanghai Car License Plate Price Analysis
explore the price and bid number of shanghai car license plate from 2002-2017
anly545 hw 2
Chocolate Bar analysis
discover the relationship between chocolate bar rating with cocoa percentage. where produce the best cocoa bean? which country produce the best chocolate
Fifa 2018 Player euro value analysis
we are trying to explore what affects a player's euro value and what is the most important features for a player to have high euro market values
Summer Olympics Medal Analysis- china
we will analysis the Medal distribution for Chinese athletes in Summer Olympics
anly545 lab 2
Grad life at HU
naive Bayesian
svm kernel linear, poly, sigmoid, gaussian
knn classification on suv
OJ SVM error
Orange juice dataset using SVM method for linear, polynomial, radial error test
Tree on Orange Juice dataset
classification on news popularity
Logistic regression
Random Forest
Random Forest to predict salary vs position
Decision tree on Salary
Decision tree on salary vs position dataset
SVR on salary
use SVR model to fit the salary vs position dataset
Salary: truth or bluff
use linear reg and poly reg to compare the predicted salary values
time series
time series on nile
one way anova
anova analysis on cars
ttest, chi-square, ftest
compare ttest, chi-square test, ftest
two way anova
two way anova
km curve
HW 5 snow map
this is a snow map, the code is from snow