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Capstone Project
This is the final project of Data Science Specialization course series at Coursera.
Word Prediction Report
This is the second week assignment of the Data Science Capstone course in Coursera, which is the last course of the Data Science Specialization by the John Hopkins University.
Used Cars
Assignment for Developing Data Products.
GDP in East-Central Europe
GDP per capita change in 8, mainly East-Central European countries between 2000 and 2020: Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Budapest vasútállomásai
Budapest fejpályaudvarai, pályaudvarai, vasútállomásai és vasúti megállóhelyei
Budapest vasútállomásai
Budapest főpályaudvarai, pályaudvarai, vasútállomásai és vasúti megállóhelyei
Railway stations in Budapest
Developing Data Products second week assignment