

Gareth Edwards

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Virtual Online Input Capable Expression Dissector
Mortgage Calculator Pitch v2.0
Practical Machine Learning Report
We use data from accelerometers from many different subjects to build highly predictive machine model. In the end we get a model with 99.2% accuracy, which is then used to correctly predict 20 ultimate test values after cross validation. The best model used the Random Forest.
Automatic and manual transmissions and fuel efficiency
We want to use the R data set named “mtcars” to investigate if there a difference in miles per gallon (mpg) fuel efficiency between automatic and manual transmissions. Details about the data set can be found in the appendix. In the analysis below we determine that there is a clear effect on MPG between automatic and manual transmissions. We need to prove it statistically and quantify exactly how much.
Analyzing Steps per Day
Examining Tooth Growth Data in R
One of the standard learning data sets included in R is the “ToothGrowth” data set. The tooth growth data set is the length of the odontoblasts (teeth) in each of 10 guinea pigs at three Vitamin C dosage levels (0.5, 1, and 2 mg) with two delivery methods (orange juice or ascorbic acid).
Central Limit Theorem with the Exponential Distribution
In this project we will investigate the exponential distributiuon in R and confirm that it follows the Central Limit Theorem and predicted means and standard deviations