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Debishree Day 1
we’ll get familiar with the interface and basics of R functions, like importing data sets, creating data sets and exploring them, executing some basic mathematical functions, and ah just I’ll also show you how to plot a basic diagram
Co-expression analysis in Aging Brain
We want to test whether Housekeeping genes’ expression changes with age with a change in epigenetic modifiers or not
Week 1 Lectures
Introductory sessions:
Getting Familiar with R, learning basic R functions.
Importing datasets, Plotting, Histogram, Boxplots, and some Normality tests.
Week 2 Lectures
Creating For loops.
Generating Uniform, Poison, and skellam distributions.
Govind Prakash 17096: Assessment1
Name: Govind Prakash
Roll no: 17096
Group: Shannon
Teammates: Aman, Govind, Prithvi, Hricha