

Haley Fox

Recently Published

Wordle data: Web scraping, Twitter API, and data visualization
This tutorial shows how to scrape data from websites using {rvest}, how to download tweets using the Twitter API and {rtweet}, and how to visualize Wordle-related data using a scatterplot, lollipop chart, word cloud, and stacked barplot.
Map changes in the number of cows in U.S. counties (1997 - 2017)
This tutorial documents how to map changes in the number of cows in U.S. counties over time, how to add an image to a plot, and how to use {facet_wrap} to plot multiple maps.
Animated map of agricultural subsidies by US county (2010-2019)
This document shows how to create both static and animated maps of agricultural subsidies in US counties using the {usmap} and {gganimate} packages.
Web scrape data from interactive maps
A tutorial for web scraping data (US agricultural subsidies) from interactive maps using the {rvest} and {usmap} packages.