

Khac Phuoc Le

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Khac Phuoc Le - Dashboard
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Siemens Betriebskrankenkasse - Case Study Dashboard
Siemens Betriebskrankenkasse - Case Study Dashboard Untersuchung von psychisch Kranken in Tech Firmen
Sales Dashboard Test
Sales Dashboard Test
Analyzing Level Difficulty in Candy Crush
Analyzing Level Difficulty in Candy Crush
Chord Progression in Musical Data
Chord Progression in Musical Data
SBK Case Study
Choropleth Gapminder
Analyzing TV News
Analyzing TV News
Building Propensity Model
Building Propensity Model
String Manipulation in R with stringr
String Manipulation in R with stringr
The reduction in weekly working hours in Europe
Looking at the development between 1996 and 2006
Phyllotaxis - Draw flowers using mathematics
Use R to make art and create imaginary flowers inspired by nature.
Dr. Semmelweis and the discovery of handwashing
Reanalyse the data behind one of the most important discoveries of modern medicine: Handwashing.
Bad passwords and the NIST guidelines
Check what passwords fail to conform to the National Institute of Standards and Technology password guidelines.
plotly scatter_geo plot, plot_geo bug
annoying legend bug
Gapminder World
Gapminder World
leaflet example 1