

Jonatha Anselmi

Recently Published

Scheduling disciplines in the G/G/1 queue with soft deadlines
Évaluation de Performances 2025, TD #2 and #3, INFO4, Polytech Grenoble
Le problème des deux enveloppes
Probabilité et Simulation 2024, TD #9, INFO4, Polytech Grenoble
Size-aware dispatching in two queues
Évaluation de Performances 2024, TD #4, INFO4, Polytech Grenoble
Response time minimization in two parallel queues
Évaluation de Performances 2024, TD #3, INFO4, Polytech Grenoble
Basic Auto-scaling
Évaluation de Performances 2024, TD #2, INFO4, Polytech Grenoble
Scheduling Disciplines in the G/G/1 queue
Évaluation de Performances 2024, TD #1, INFO4, Polytech Grenoble
Rejection Method Example
Probabilité et Simulation 2023, TD #10, INFO4, Polytech Grenoble
Load Balancing with Job-Size Testing - Homework Assignment
Load Balancing with Job-Size Testing - Homework Assignment (DM), Évaluation de Performances, INFO4 Polytech Grenoble
Job dispatching among parallel servers
TD Évaluation de Performances, 2023, INFO4 Polytech Grenoble
Probability and Simulation: Martingale Roulette Strategy
RICM4: Probabilité et Simulation 2022, Polytech Grenoble
Web Application - Jackson Queueing Network
TD: Performance Modelling, Evaluation and Optimization of a Web Application, Évaluation de Performance 2021, Polytech Grenoble
Simulation of the M/M/K/K queue
Polytech Grenoble, INFO4-EP, Évaluation de Performances TD: Simulation of the M/M/K/K queue
Load Balancing - DM
Homework assignment RICM4: Évaluation de Performance 2020, Polytech Grenoble
Simulation of G/G/1 queues
Replication in Computer Systems - DM
Homework assignment RICM4: Évaluation de Performance 2020, Polytech Grenoble
TD2: Probability and Simulation
Basic probability exercises with solutions in R. RICM4: Probabilité et Simulation 2019, Polytech Grenoble