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SIG Writing talk Paris 2024
Ideas cascading into keystrokes -- Modelling writing hesitations as Bayesian mixture process
Prowrite: final evaluation
Analysis and results of the final evaluation of prowrite
Tutorial on Bayesian mixture models
Fitting mixed-effects and log-Gaussian mixture models on text writing data
Reproducible data analysis using RMarkdown documentation
Slides for RMarkdown workshop
Wizard of Oz
Pronunciation data
The functions of reading in L2 text production
Talk at SIG Writing 2022 (Umea, Sweden)
Concurrent learning of adjacent and nonadjacent dependencies
sum contrasts on dependency
Development of writing modalities
A developmental comparison of writing skills in Norwegian first grades learning handwriting or keyboard typing.
Walkthrough: fitting a mixture model on copy-task data
This walkthrough demonstrates how to apply Stan models to copy-task data via R and the R package rstan.
The Stan code related to this project can be found on OSF:
Year 1 stats spin-off lecture
Recap inferential statistics for year 1 psychology
Model evaluation
Lecture slides on the evaluation of lm models