

Joey Talbot

Recently Published

Lisbon - fast routes
paths to be removed
EDIF report Joey Talbot
Brief report on the traffic sensor UO case studies
Slides for Sligo
Extended FAQ
Kildare high cycling
Options doc
Limerick baseline quiet rnet
Limerick 10pc quiet rnet
Limerick 30pc quiet rnet
Limerick 30pc balanced rnet
Limerick 10pc balanced rnet
Limerick baseline balanced rnet
Limerick 30pc fast rnet
Limerick 10pc fast rnet
Limerick baseline fast rnet
Kildare fast baseline
Kildare quiet baseline
Limerick fast
Limerick balanced
Limerick quiet
Kildare quiet
Kildare fast
Kildare balanced
Kildare balanced rnet
Kildare fast rnet
Kildare quiet rnet
uses route network from 2022-01-05
Kildare routes <20 km length
Limerick routes <20km length
Report 4
Limerick and Kildare route networks
Provisional route networks for the case study counties
Categorised OSM cycle infrastructure
Cycle infrastructure in Edinburgh, from OSM blue = cycle lanes green = traffic free orange = shared paths black = signed routes purple = other
Edinburgh cycleways
Cycleways only
Updated Edinburgh cycle infrastructure
OSM-cycle-clean. All cycle infrastructure
Edinburgh cycleways in OSM
Cycle infrastructure in Edinburgh recorded in OpenStreetMap (including bridleways, bus lanes and shared paths)
Km cycled and KSI 2009-13
Relationship between km cycled and KSI for London Boroughs
Lancashire results
RCPT for Lancashire without buffer
West of England grouping named roads
The solution to the unnamed roads problem
Weighted employment measure
Overall index of accessibility for West Yorkshire
Sum of access to town centres, jobs, food, primary schools, secondary schools and GPs
Invalid geometry
The polygon that has invalid geometry
Access to jobs
Weighted accessibility from Leeds LSOAs to all centres of employment with >100 jobs, by public transport/walking, cycling, and car.