

Joe Cristian

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Algoritma Trial Class - Slide
Made for Algoritma Trial Class
Algoritma Trial Class
Mini class Algoritma. Solving some retail business cases using basic data wrangling
Tesseract in R
Google's Tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR) engine with support for unicode and the ability to recognize more than 100 languages
People Analytics
Classification use case for BRI Hackathon People Analytics workshop
HR Analytics - Employee Promotion
Classification analysis identifying the employees most likely to get promoted
RSelenium Intro
Intro to RSelenium running local binnary
Topic Modeling with LDA
Topic modeling using tidytext and textmineR package with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm.
IMDb Web Scraping
An attempt to do automate web scraping techniques using rvest package on 250 IMDb top-rated movies. Every step has its own unique string or css identification problem to handle.
JetRail Passenger Forecast
Forecasting multi-seasonal data using ARIMA and TBATS. The data is a multiplicative, hourly period.
Lyric's mood identifier
Predict the song's positive or negative mood by its lyric. This is an NLP classification task using Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Mars, Random Forest algorithm with their hyperparameter tuning
Detecting Defected Items
A fail classification analysis. this project has data leak and algorithm overkill. Anomaly detection, imbalance classification task using Random Forest, Decision Tree, and XGBoost.
Is Alcohol Consumption Make You Happy?
A linear regression analysis to find out the influence of alcohol consumption to Happiness Score from 120 countries.
Wine Quality
A fail linear regression analysis. This is an example of proof that Linear Regression analysis cannot be done in discrete data. This article talks about Linear Regression analysis about the quality of wine.
Dota Science #2
Unsupervised learning with Dota 2 heroes data. Create Clustering with Kmeans and Principal Component Analysis
Dota Science #1
Predict the winner of Dota2 match using Logistic Regression and KNN models (Classification)
Replicating economist plot
Remaking plot from The Economist article using ggplot2 package