

Keith McNulty

Recently Published

Seamless movement between R and Python using R Markdown
Demonstrating how easily you can move between R and Python using R Markdown and Reticulate
Calculating large Fibonacci numbers in R
Implementing a simple recursive algorithm that calculates large Fibonacci numbers
EBP Exercise Example Approach
Example Approach to Evidence-Based Practice Exercise
UK General Election History
Force-Directed Bubble Chart Animation of Popular Votes in UK General Elections since 1918
Animation training in R
How ti use gganimate to create animations in R
Sample Force Network
Geo-spatial London Tube map
Map of the London Tube using accurate station co-rodinates
London Tube Map as a Force Directed Network
What would the London Tube Map look like if it was a force directed network?
Sankey Network for 2016 Brexit Referendum results
Illustrates how a Sankey network can be used to illustrate voting flows from regions into a national result.
Facebook timeline analytics
Analysis of static timeline.htm file downloaded from Facebook, including activity analysis, TF_IDF text analysis and topic modelling