

Kolapo Obajuluwa

Recently Published

Simple ETL Pipeline in R
This document details how to query a movie database API, transform it's data into three tables and export to an Excel Workbook.
Shopify 2021 Data Science Intern Challenge
This document contains my submission for the 2021 Shopify Data Science Intern Challenge
WebScraping in R - (Lazy Version)
How I Scraped Jumia, Konga and Jiji for Price Comparison
Reticulate your R with Python
Just expressing my excitement at the interoperability between R and Python, in R!
TwitterWorldCloud 2
Second Part of the series where we build a Shiny app for our wordcloud generation
Twitter Word Clouds with R
A Lazy Approach to Tweet Scraping and Mild timeline stalking with wordclouds
The Power of names()
a quick guide to how names can be used to unlock extra functions in R objects