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Sézary Syndrome Cell Line derived from each patient DE comparison
Same but with Top10 kegg pathways
Regression analysis
Logistic Regression Try 3
LvNN DEG Chromosome map
L v NN (2 lesion vs 4 new non-lesion) differentially expressed genes (n= 988 genes) mapped to chromosome loci, aggregated by count. Gamma and delta T cell receptor loci are on 7 and 14. Cytotoxic/NK locus on 12. A number of novel gene transcripts found at all 3 loci. Hover over with mouse to see this information.
Leaflet Map
Rapport CREX Médicaments
Février 2025
Implementing districts
Febrile surveillance using Audrere AI RDT Reader project to be implemented in Buikwe, Mpigi, Lira and Moyo districts targeting 1400 community workers.
Ita ~ Power & Gas