

Felix P. Muga II

Recently Published

2016 Senatorial Contest
This is a sample.
2016 VP Contest in Calabarzon
2016 VP Contest in Calabarzon
Gapminder Sample
source: Animated plot in R using gganimate, ggplot2 and gapminder package
Gapminder Plot
plot of gapminder with animation source:
Milestone Report for Data Science Capstone
This is a milestone report for the 2nd week assignment.
Milestone Report for Data Science Capstone
This is a milestone report for the 2nd week assignment.
A Milestone Project for Data Science Capstone Course
This is a milestone report for the 2nd week assignment.
Ma 19-C Day 1: Announcement
Ma 124-B Day 1: On Logic
Ma 124-B Day 1: Announcement
Leaf Number of a Graph
Finding a maximum leaf spanning tree of a family of circulant graphs.
Analyzing the ToothGrowth Dataset in R
This is a report of the project in Johns Hopkins Course on Statistical Inference in Coursera.
On the Central Limit Theorem and the Sampling Distribution of the Mean of 40 Exponentials
This a report on the first project for the Johns Hopkins Course in Statistical Inference in Coursera.
Weather Events That Most Affected the U.S. Population Health and Economy in the Past Six Decades
This paper shows the weather events that most affected the population health and economy of the United States of America in the past six decades.