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basketball references
Well, hello there, game changer…
Playing around with tuftesque2 by Nick Strayer
Sourcetree rebase
So I remember...
Hammertime × tibbletime
A mashup of tibbletime and magick tutorials by Matt Dancho, and Daniel P. Hadley (respectively).
November happenings in the tidyverse
Draft of November updates in the tidyverse and intro to r-lib
Happy Thanks-ggiving
A horribly mangled turkey plot…
Tables of Pamgrams
Using the bigrams of Pam Poovey from Archer Seasons 1 - 7 to take a look at different ways of rendering tables through R Markdown.
Pokemon x NBA team medians, and other fun with ggimage
Goofing around with ggimage geometries, NBA stats (by way of stattleship), and some dope NBA logo art from around the web.