

Marcus Poulton

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How Faster Address Confirmation Improves Ambulance Performance
This is a simulation notebook for the **London Ambulance Service**. This notebook explores what happens to *arrival time performance* when you change the characteristics of the call handling process. Specifically, this notebook explores what happens when you change the profile of the gazetteer component in the call-handling process. Throught this notebook we only consider Red 1 calls.
Google Maps vs London Ambulance
This is an R Markdown Notebook that compares actual ambulance journey times against predictions produced by Google Maps Distance Matrix API. A set of nearly 5000 actual ambulance journeys were kindly provided by London Ambulance Service. These journeys were undertaken in London toward critical ill patients, using blue lights and sirens. Two types of vehicles were used, Ambulances and Fast Response Vehicles. This document attempts to characterise the differences in emergency vehicle transit times compared with normal road users in an urban setting.