

Mary Glantz

Recently Published

Math 217 Final Project
Statistical analysis of health care in Canada, the UK, and the US
Multiple Linear Regression
Lab for Math 217, fall 2021
Lab on Inference for Categorical Variables
Math 217
Lab for Week 8, Math 217
Lab on Confidence Intervals
Lab 5 Math 217
Lab 4 for Math 217
Lab 3 --- OpenIntro
Lab 3 from openintro stats for Math 217
Pilgrim Church Priorities
data visualization for church
DATA 110 Visualizing Residuals tutorial
from BLOGR
DATA 110 Project 2
examination of dataset on disease and democracy---testing parasite-stress hypothesis.
DATA 110 GIS tutorial
added a little bit on PA at the end.
DATA 110 Tweet Mining
testing out R's Russian language capability.
DATA 110 Week 9 Assignment
Web scraping!
DATA 110 Week 8 Assignment
Plot of the brexit_polls dataset from DSlabs
DATA 110 Unit 8 Classnotes
making charts with DSLabs and HighCharter
Nations DataSet DATA 110 HW
Homework reproducing plots of the World Bank nations dataset
Project 1--DATA 110 Fall 2020
Project 1, DATA 110 on Police in the community. An analysis of data from the Dallas Police Department on police response to resistance in 2019.
DATA 110 Class Notes week 5
Homework Week 2 Data 110
DATA 110 Week 1 R HW
m&m counts by color
Project 2 -- UFO Sightings --- version 2
updated version reflecting more maps
Project 2 -- UFO Sightings
Still a beginner. Second class project.
Project 1
DATA 101 first project