

Mohammed Barakat

Recently Published

House Prices: Ensembled Prediction Models
This research aims at predicting prices of residential homes in Ames, Iowa based on a large set of features. It starts by acquiring and defining input data, data cleaning, feature engineering, and finally by model training, selection, and prediction. The research predicts house prices by combining results of several Machine Learning algorithms using Models Ensembling technique.
Titanic Tragedy: Survival Prediction with Machine Learning
A Reproducible Research that tried to predict which passengers survived the Titanic tragedy based on the Kaggle Getting Started competition of (Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster).
Predicting the Usefulness of a Yelp Review Using Machine Learning
This research tries to answer the question "In, can we predict to what extent a user's review for a business is useful by predicting the number of "useful" votes the review will receive and by predicting a "usefulness" category of the review?"
Using Machine Learning to Recognize the Quality of Performing Weight Lifting Exercise
This Human Activity Recognition analysis is focused on recognizing the quality of performing weight lifting exercises. The approach used aims at investigating “how (well)” an activity is performed by the participant.
Statistical Evidence on Manual versus Automatic Cars for better Fuel Consumption
Statistical Evidence on Manual versus Automatic Cars for better Fuel Consumption.
Using the Length of Odontoblasts of Guinea Pigs as Indicator of Vitamin C Intake
This report presents a study of the effect of Vitamin C intake on the odontoblasts (teeth cells) length carried out on 60 guinea pigs.
Exponential Distribution and the Central Limit Theorem: A Simulation in R
This analysis investigates the exponential distribution and how it relates to the Central Limit Theorem.
Damage to Public Health and Economy in the USA was Highly Effected by Only Few Storm Types between 1950 and 2011
Damage to Public Health and Economy in the USA was Highly Effected by Only Few Storm Types between 1950 and 2011.