

Nabiilah Ardini Fauziyyah

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Microbiome Analysis in R
Dietswap data tutorial for performing microbiome analysis using R. Utilize `microbiome`, `phyloseq` and other packages.
Museum Nasional Twitter Network Analysis
Social Network Analysis untuk akun Twitter Museum Nasional Indonesia. Temukan key player dan komunitas di dalam jaringan sosial kita.
Word Embedding using Keras in R
Develop Word2Vec architecture for word embedding task in R.
Stock Trend Prediction
Stock trend prediction using Random Forest and Decision Tree
Text Generation using Markov Chain in R
Creating a text generator for helping creative writing activity for children using Markov Chain algorithm in R.
Handwriting Recognition Huruf Hijaiyah dengan Deep Learning
Penjelasan mengenai Deep Learning dan aplikasinya pada Handwriting Recognition Huruf Hijaiyah.
Rancang Data Yuk!
Penjelasan mengenai perancangan penelitian dan desain pengumpulan data.
Terhubung dengan YouTube API dengan `tuber`
Step-by-step pengambilan data melalui YouTube API dan package `tuber` di R, dengan Bahasa Indonesia.
Web Scrapping in R using rvest
Step-by-step web scrapping from an indie game website using `rvest`.
Linear Regression on Crime Dataset
Crime in Chicago analysis using Linear Regression
Report Guide: P4DS
An example of the standard structure of a good reporting in R Markdown.
Airport Dash!
Time series concept and application on the flight frequency data of Newark Liberty International Airport in 2013
Wine Enthusiast II: Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, and Random Forest
The concept and step-by-step on developing a classification model to determine wine quality using Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, and Random Forest.
Cherry Bomb - Remaking Visually Compelling Economist Plot
In this article, I will share to you one way to remake an interesting Economist Plot “Cherry Bomb: the trend in early blossoming date of Sakura trees in Kyoto”, using ‘ggplot2’ package in R.
Linear Regression - World Happiness Report 2019
Membuat model regresi linear berdasarkan data 'World Happiness Report 2019'.
Wine Enthusiast: Logistic Regression and k-NN
Step-by-step on developing a classification model to determine wine quality using Logistic Regression and k-NN.