

Natália Faraj Murad

Recently Published

Oil Price Forecasting
A study about time series
Forecasting Bitcoin Prices with ARIMA, SARIMA and Prophet
Using time series to forescast bitcoin prices. [python]
Create a Big Data Ecosystem on AWS
Create a Big Data Ecosystem on AWS
Create a Hadoop Ecosystem on Google Cloud
How to create a Hadoop Ecosystem (Dataproc) Ecosystem on Google Cloud and send a workload.
Creating a Streaming of Data with AWS
Notes from the course I want to have to consult later. [bash]
Telecom Customer Churn Prediction Analysis
Exploration and Machine Learning Models to predict churn using Telecom Churn Dataset from Kaggle. [python]
COVID-19 Data Analysis - Predicting the Evolution in Brazil with ARIMA & Prophet
Some COVID-19 data time series exploration and projections with ARIMA & Prophet. [python]
HCC Data Survival Prediction with Logistic Regression
It is showed how to preprocess a complex dataset with a high number of missing values. Code for One hot encoding, feature engineering & adjustment of a Logistic Regression Model to predict survival to cancer. [R]
Analysing Data With Pandas
Project of the course Analysing Data with Pandas [python]
This file contains my annotations of a Docker course I took. [bash] [docker]
CNN to identify the animals in the figures
This exercise had as a goal to use Convolutional Neural Networks in order to identify the animals in the pictures. It was used PyTorch and Tensorflow. [python]
XGboost and LightGBM models to predict if a click will result in a app download or not. [R]
Clustering - Unsupervised Machine Learning
Exercise to practice clustering method of machine learning. [python]
Multiclass Wine Classification
Multi-class classification exercise with wine dataset. [python]
Predicting House Price with Regression Models
Train of Random Forest and Gradient Boosting to solve a regression problem that was predict house prices. [python]
Flights Data Exploratory Analysis
An exploratory data analysis of the flights data set done in the Microsoft Online Course. [python]
My Git & Version Control Notes
Useful notes I did in some Git courses I attended. [git]
Linux Basic Commands for Bioinformatics Part 2
Examples of command applications to explore bioinformatic files. [bash]
Linux Basic Commands for Bioinformatics Part I
This is the first part of a Linux Tutorial for Bioinformatics. It starts showing how to use very basic Linux commands. [bash]
Sentiment Analysis Twitter - Vaccines
A tutorial for performing Sentiment Analysis with data from tweets. In this example, the theme is "vaccines". [R]
Mapping Covid-19 Deaths by City - Brazil
This is a report about how to map COVID-19 deaths. It uses a dataset from [R]
WGCNA Tutorial
This tutorial describes how to create a co-expression network using WGCNA. [R]