

Vijayakumar Jawaharlal

Recently Published

PCA explained
PCA explained using simple example available from blogs
Data Analysis on effects of weather events in United States
Data Analysis on effects of weather events in United States
Lattice graphics example
Lattice Graphics example
From Machine learning using R book
kNN using R caret package
kNN algorithm using R caret package. Additionally, randomForest, ROC are tried as well.
kNN algorithm with normalization and resampling
Applying kNN algorithm on ISLR's Smarket data set. This script normalizes features and applying various resampling method to get optimal k value for predictions model
kNN algorithm using all features from Smarket data (from ISLR lib). Second it is using normalization than standardization.
kNN algorithm example 1 from "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" book
Getting and cleaning data -Quiz1
Getting and cleaning data -Quiz1 coursera data science series conducted by John Hopkins university
R Graph Cookbook - Chapter 1
Just trying to work out R Graph cookbook samples/excercises
Predicting Body Fat data set using rpart package
Predicting Body Fat data set using rpart package
DecisionTree-Using Party Package
DecisionTree-Using Party Package