


Recently Published

MAST on SCT and RNA assay and its comparison to see which is better
min.pct = 0, logfc.threshold = 0
Sézary Syndrome Cell Line Analysis
MAST with cell_line ident L1 to L7 comparison
Template for volcanoPlots Malignat vs Normal
Sézary Syndrome Cell Line derived from each patient DE comparison
Same but with Top10 kegg pathways
Sézary Syndrome Cell Line derived from each patient DE comparison
All Patient based comparison based on clusters Enrichment analysis included
Sézary Syndrome Cell Line derived from each patient DE comparison
used_patient_origin NEwumap Seem like if you dont use harmony clusters batch effect is evident in volcano plot
Sézary Syndrome Cell Line derived from each patient DE comparison
NewUMAP P1vsP2, P1vsP3, P2vsP3 ClusterBased
Differential Expression Analysis - Filtering and Visualization-NEWUMAP
Malignant_CD4Tcells_vs_Normal_CD4Tcells_RNA_Assay_Wilcox.csv Malignant_CD4Tcells_vs_Normal_CD4Tcells_SCT_SCTransformed_Wilcox.csv
DE(Malignat_vs_Normal_CD4Tcells) of Harmony Integration
# Define malignant and normal cell lines malignant_cell_line <- c("L1", "L2", "L3", "L4", "L5", "L6", "L7") normal_cell_line <- c("PBMC", "PBMC_10x") DE Analysis Using SCT Assay (SCTransformed Counts) Next will be: L1 vs healthy DE Analysis Using RNA Assay (Log-Normalized Counts)
TCR Analysis using harmony integrated NewUMAP with PBMC10x
Hamony integrated UMAP 0.8 with PBMC10x
Different Resolution Tables on harmony integration
Final UMAP 0.5 theta
Different Resolution test on harmony integration
Final UMAP 0.5 theta Annotated again and removed nonCD4 T cells from Control
Different Resolution Tables on harmony integration
Tables for Resolution Azimuth annotation done again
Different Resolution test on harmony integration
I annotated the harmony integration again to remove artifacts
Merged All samples with PBMC_10x and removed non CD4 T cells from Control and B cells from L4 regress nCount, and rb and apply SCT
didnt remove ILC, NK and CD14 Mono from cell lines and annotated after normalization
Different Resolution Tables on harmony integration on patient origin and orig.ident-theta-0.5,0.5
patient origin and orig.ident-theta-0.5,0.5 0.4-1.2 tables
Different Resolution test on harmony integration on patient origin and orig.ident-theta-at-0.5,0.5
patient origin and orig.ident-theta-at-0.5,0.5 Different Resolutions: 0.1-1.2
Differential Expression Analysis of Malignant CD4Tcells vs Control(Normal CD4 Tcells)
fgsea_result_kegg <- fgsea( pathways = kegg_list, stats = gene_list, nperm = 1000 # Number of permutations )
Harmony integrations of PBMC10x by patient origin and cell_line-theta-0.5 both
Finalized saved object to: ../0-R_Objects/CD4Tcells_harmony_integrated_0.5_theta_patientorigin_cell_line.Robj
Harmony integrations of PBMC10x by cell_line-theta-0.5
1:15 dim theta 0.5 cell_line as batch
use Annotated Robj including PBMC10x to remove NonCD4Tcells from Control and keep just CD4Tcells
I removed B cells from L4 CD14 Mono and ILC and NK just one cell
Differential Expression Analysis - Filtering and Visualization
This analysis includes all genes in SCT logfc.threshold used = 0 min.pct=0 Then we used added column of mean expression and we used those columns for filtering. Here you have summary of genes before filtering and after filtering
Differential Expression Analysis - Filtering and Visualization
Its with previous file All genes min.pct = 0 logfc.threshold = 0
Differential Expression Analysis - Filtering and Visualization
Its with previous file All genes min.pct = 0 logfc.threshold = 0
Differential Expression Analysis - Filtering and Visualization
Its with previous file 14000 genes min.pct=default logfc.threshold=default
Differential Expression Analysis using Harmony Integrated Clusters
heatmap is based on pvalue and avg_log2FC
Differential Expression Analysis using Harmony Integrated Clusters
celllines vs CD4Tcells normal clusters min.pct=0 logfc.threshold=0 MAST with batch
Harmony integrations of PBMC10x by cell_line-theta-0.5_removing non CD4Tcells and B cells from L4_also_ILC_NK_CD14_Mono
ILC,NK, CD14 MOno are from L4 where we have B cells so i removed them
Seurat Integration of PBMC10x-Rserver-rpca-part1
Its done after removal of nonCD4T cells from PBMC and B cells also from L4
Harmony integrations of PBMC10x by cell_line-theta-0.5
After removing nonCD4 T cells
use Annotated Robj including PBMC10x to remove ILC and NK-just one Cell
Removed ILC and NK from l2 as it was forming seperate cluster
use Annotated Robj including PBMC10x to remove NonCD4Tcells from Control and B cells from L4
use Annotated Robj including PBMC10x to remove NonCD4Tcells from Control and B cells from L4
Merged All samples with PBMC_10x and removed non CD4 T cells from Control apply SCT
1:22 we got 1:16 by PCA test so I will use that
CD4Tcells in PBMC(Ready to Normalize)
use Annotated Robj including PBMC10x to remove NonCD4Tcells from Control and keep just CD4Tcells
Pre-Analysis using FeaturePlot
silhouette Score Test
DE with FC Scanner
Cell_lines vs PBMC
Patients vs PBMC-Tcells
TCR Analysis using harmony integrated UMAP
TCR Analysis using harmony integrated UMAP
Significant genes for strings
0.05 2 -2
Sézary Syndrome Cell Line derived from each patient DE comparison
Cell lines derived from patient
Sézary Syndrome SCpubr Visualization
Sézary Syndrome Cell Line Top5 gene markers
Top5 and Top10
Differential Expression Analysis
1vs2 6vs16
InferCNV Analysis
Percentage of cells CNVs
Its juts to visualize cluster, clustree and tables
Sézary Syndrome Cell Line Analysis-DE-PBMC10X
DE Merged with PBMC10x
Differential Expression Analysis of SS vs PBMC10X+PBMC
based it on clusters after harmony integration which I did
Harmony integrations of PBMC10x-part4
final version to Discuss
Multiple Harmony integrations of PBMC10x-part3
on HPC we use sample group, cell line group and cell line
Multiple Harmony integrations of PBMC10x
1:22 Different methods of harmony are tried.
Harmony Integration of PBMC10x-part2
1:22 0.5
Harmony Integration of PBMC10x-Part1
1:22 0.5
Merged All samples with PBMC_10x and apply SCT on 1:22
Object is saved as All_Samples_Merged_with_10x_Azitmuth_Annotated_SCT_HPC_without_harmony_integration.robj
Harmony Integration of PBMC10x with SCT on samples
old method of normalizing the SCT clusters
Merged All samples with PBMC_10x
1:12 PC
Merged All samples with PBMC_10x
First regressed in SCT for cell_line and then we used harmony
Merged All samples with PBMC_10x
HPC 1:22
Merged All samples with PBMC_10x and SCT analysis on annotated Object
Did analysis on Rstudio server
Merging all our cell lines and controls(PBMC-PBMC10x) into single seurat object-Robj
Merging all our cell lines and controls(PBMC-PBMC10x) into single seurat object-Robj
New Reference
Cytogenetic Analysis
Comparison of inferCNV with Cytogenetics data
TCR Analysis-Part2
WNN analysis of CITE-seq, RNA + ADT_part3
Res=0.9 dims.list = list(1:20, 1:18), = "RNA.weight"
WNN analysis of CITE-seq, RNA + ADT part2
dims.list = list(1:20, 1:18), = "RNA.weight"
UMAP of T cells without other PBMC cells using clusters and PC-1:20
UMAP of T cells without other PBMC cells using clusters and PC-1:20
UMAP of T cells-PC-1:50-2
Old Script used
Just T cells Analysis_PC-1:50
UMAP of T cells without other PBMC cells using clusters and PC-1:50
Cell Line L7 Analysis
Cell Line L6 Analysis
Cell Line L5 Analysis
Cell Line L3 Analysis
Cell Line L4 Analysis
Cell Line L4 Analysis
Cell Line L3 Analysis
Cell Line L2 Analysis
Cell Line L2 Analysis
Cell Line L1 Analysis
Cell Line L1 Analysis
cell-cell communication using CellChat
Inference and analysis of cell-cell communication using CellChat
1:13 0.1-1.2
Integration by Harmony_on_SCTransform_DATA
Same parameters Without findNeigbors and FindClusters
1-Harmony Integration_on_SCTransform
Its done on SCTransform data with 1:13 PCA 0.5 Res
Integration by Harmony_by_K_1-50
1:50 0.5
Integration by Harmony_by_K
1;20 0.5
Integration by CCA_by_K_1-12
used K code 1:20 log Norm 1:12 integration
Integration by CCA_by_K_1-20
used K code 1:20 log Norm 1:20 integration
Integration by CCA_by_K
used K code 1:20 log Norm 1:50 integration
PCA TEST and Harmony
dims: 1:15
ADT Normalization
UMAP-0.7 with Annotation
Resolution Test
Resolution Test
Escape Visualization
Analysis of TCR-SS