

Pierce Edmiston

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PhD Proposal
Totems Results
Adopting open source practices for better science
What can scientists learn from the open source community when it comes to improving the reproducibility of research methods and results? I'll introduce three problems in reproducibility, explain how they've been solved by the open source community, and demonstrate how these solutions can be utilized by scientists to make for better and more reproducible research. I'll cover version control systems, dynamic documents, and my ideas about "building research from source code". To close I'll review the empirical evidence that open source practices make for better science, and offer some speculation from the perspective of cultural evolution as to why open source has been so successful.
Simulating teamwork as mountain climbing
This report details simulations of different types of teams solving simple problems where the solution to the problem is defined as a 3D fitness landscape.
What is the role of inheritance in the problem solving abilities of individuals?
The is a proposal for a new research project investigating the role of inheritance in problem solving ability. Does inheriting a partial solution just give people a head start or does it actually make them more effective problem solvers?
Visualizing lmer model random effects
A visual exploration of three different ways to specify random effects in a linear mixed effects model.