

Egor Ignatenkov

Recently Published

German Credit population changes
Отчет, позволяющий отслеживать изменения между текущим потоком кредитных заявок и "базовой" популяцией. На основе German Credit Data Set.
German Credit prediction model
Построение предсказательных моделей для набора данных German Credit data set
Вступительное задание на одну из вакансий: организовать движение на перекрестке с помощью светофора.
R Base Plotting System
Данный документ представляет собой конспект главы "Base Plotting System" книги Роджера Пенга "Exploring Data With R".
Исследовательские графики в R
Построение различных видов графиков для первичного исследования данных с помощью средств R.
Clustering on big graph, python
200000 points in 24-dimensional space, finding number of clusters s.t. spacing between clusters is at least 3
Churn Prediction
Some assignment on churn prediction from "Business Analytics & Predictive Modeling" course from Humboldt-University of Berlin
Finding Minimal Spanning Tree
Algorithm finds MST in a given graph and computes its cost.
Census shinyapp presentation
course project for Developing Data Products course. Presentation about interactive shinyapp application (also made by myself as part of the Course Project) about data from US Census (
Machine Learning Course Project
Prediction using random forest. Course project for Machine Learning Course
Distribution of averages of exponentials
Course Project for Statistical Inference Course. Central Limit Theorem as it is.
Regression Models Course Project
Relationship between type of transmission and fuel consumption for the "mtcars" dataset from R. Course Project for the Regression Models Course (
Greedy algorithms for scheduling
Programming assignment for "Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2" course. Two greedy algorithms for optimal one-stream job scheduling implemented in R.
some examples of using support vector machines for prediction in classification problems
My approach to the test task for data scientist job at Zalando
coursera reproducible research assignment 2
Assignment for Reproducible Research course on Coursera