

Phil Jette

Recently Published

Facebook Data Science Interview Prep in R
Some Facebook data science interview questions from LeetCode in R
Tic-tac-toe Monte Carlo
A Monte Carlo simulation of Tic-tac-toe
Exploring Sample Size and Confidence in R
Determination of appropriate sample size in R
Taking advantage of vectorization in R to improve your data workflow
Quick walkthrough of using lapply to improve data cleaning workflow
Predictive Text - Data Science Capstone
Quick walkthrough of a basic predictive text algo and Shiny app.
Text Prediction Algo - Milestone Report
Coursera Data Science Specialization - Capstone Project
Boston Marathon 2015-2017
Developing Data Products week 4 assignment
Amazon HQ2 finalists
Week 2 assignment for Developing Data Products
Practical Machine Learning using Random Forests
Johns Hokins/Coursera practical machine learning assignment.