

Phanindra Reddigari

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NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model using Jurafsky's interpolation method
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model using Jurafsky's interpolation method
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model using Jurafsky Interpolation method
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram Jurafsky Interpolation method
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model
NLP Capstone Word Prediction
NLP Capstone Word Prediction using n-Gram model
NLP Capstone Word Prediction
NLP Capstone word prediction from n-Gram model
NLP Capstone Word Prediction
NLP Capstone Word Prediction Shiny App
Data Science NLP Capstone
This Shiny app implements Jurafsky's NLP n-Gram Markov model to predict next word for a given phrase input by the user
Pitch for NLP Word Predictor App
This Shiny app implements Jurafsky's NLP n-Gram Markov model to predict next word for a given phrase input by the user
Shiny App for NLP Word Predictor
This Shiny app implements Jurafsky's NLP n-Gram Markov model to predict next word for a given phrase input by the user
Capstone Milestone Report: Word Prediction in Sentences
This is a milestone report to demonstrate preparation for developing a prediction algorithm for the word prediction problem. The report summarizes basic steps to preprocess and conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) of U.S English language corpus comprising three documents: blogs, news, and twitter text.
Publish Presentation
Pitch for a Shiny App to predict diamond prices based on Random Forest models. This is a project submission for a Coursera project on Developing Data Products.
A Simple UI for Diamond Price Regression Analysis
Pitch for a Shiny UI for regression analysis of diamond data set for predicting the diamond prices
A Simple UI for Diamond Price Regression Analysis
This is a pitch for a shiny application submitted for Developing Data Products course offered by Coursera. The application provides a simple UI to analyze the well known diamond data set for predicting the diamond prices from a test set.
This is a project report for the Regression Models course which explores some linear multivariable regression models for MPG (miles per gallon) as an outcome variable versus AM (automatic(0)/manual(1) transmission) as a primary predictor along with other covariates in the mtcars dataset. Several candidate regression models are considered for selecting a reasonable fit using ANOVA for comparing the overall significance of rejecting the null hypothesis for each candidate. At the outset, selected metrics are evaluated to check sanity of the selected model
Exploratory Analysis of ToothGrowth Dataset and Hypothesis Testing
This is a Statistical Inference Course Project report which attempts to do basic exploratory analysis of the ToothGrowth dataset.
Asymptotic Behavior of Sample Mean for Exponentially Distributed Random Variables
The analysis compares the sample mean and sample variance with the population mean and population variance using Monte Carlo simulation for drawing the samples. This work is part of Coursera course project for Statistical Inference.
This is a RR Course Project report which identifies severe weather events based on processing and analysis of U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Storm Database. The preprocessing of the data attempts to clean up missing, redundant, and inconsistent values of event types in the source data to prevent data contamination. This report has tentative conclusions to help National or State agencies in optimal allocation of limited resources available by focussing attention to a small but dominant subset of a large collection of severe weather events, which contribute disproportionately to elevated loss of human life, injuries, and damage to property and crops. The report also attempts to explore the impact of these events in terms of geographic and temporal dominance to bring further focus on targeted allocation of resources.
This is a RR Course Project report which identifies severe weather events based on processing and analysis of U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Storm Database. This report has tentative conclusions to help National or State agencies in optimal allocation of limited resources available by focussing attention to a small but dominant subset of a large collection of severe weather events, which contribute disproportionately to elevated loss of human life, injuries, and damage to property and crops. The report also attempts to explore the impact of these events in terms of geographic and temporal dominance to bring further focus on targeted allocation of resources.