

Athanassios Protopapas

Recently Published

Orthographic learning: Online measures analysis (eye tracking)
Analyses for online outcome measures (eye tracking variables, namely gaze duration and dwell time) in the orthographic learning study of van Viersen et al. (manuscript submitted to Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology)
Orthographic learning: Offline measures analyses
Analyses for offline outcome measures (orthographic choice and spelling) in the orthographic learning study of van Viersen et al. (manuscript submitted to the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology)
How to run power simulations for (G)LMMs using simr
In this document I demonstrate how to use library simr to run power simulations for already-fitted (G)LMMs by using fixed effect sizes and random structures from models fit to existing data. There are additional tricks and solutions to issues with nondefault contrasts and use of parallel computation.
Andrikopoulou et al. Comparison between Exp 2 & 3
This file presents the analyses reported for comparing Experiments 2 and 3 in the manuscript titled "Lexical stress representation in Greek spoken word recognition" by Andrikopoulou et al.
Andrikopoulou et al. Experiment 3
This file presents the analyses reported for Experiment 3 in the manuscript titled "Lexical stress representation in Greek spoken word recognition" by Andrikopoulou et al. See the file "mega script.R" for additional analyses not reported in the paper.
Andrikopoulou et al. Experiment 2
This file presents the analyses reported for Experiment 2 in the manuscript titled "Lexical stress representation in Greek spoken word recognition" by Andrikopoulou et al. See the file "mega script.R" for additional analyses not reported in the paper.
Andrikopoulou et al. Experiment 1
This file presents the analyses reported for Experiment 1 in the manuscript titled "Lexical stress representation in Greek spoken word recognition" by Andrikopoulou et al. See the file "mega script.R" for additional analyses not reported in the paper.
Effects of word exposure on sentence reading time
An exploration of the Year 1 Dutch data focusing on the effects of item repetition on sentence reading time
This document discusses and demonstrates some issues arising when using general linear mixed-effects models to analyze experimental data, including convergence, factor coding, random structure trimming, model criticism, multiple comparisons, and interpretation.
An introductory explanation of contrast coding in R linear models v.1.2 : December 2014 (minor correction June 2015)