

Rajiv Xavier

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Delineating Industry Clusters by using Geographic Segmentation Approach
As an emerging market with plenty of growth upside, Brazil can serve as a greenfield for Singapore’s SMEs to grow and capitalise their goods and services. However as a developing economy with large land area, spatial development is still uneven as such companies will require good understanding on the competitiveness of local industries and geographical specialisations.
Exploring Singapore's Ethnic Composition in 2015
It is important to Singapore's government agencies and everyday citizens, to understand the ethnic make up of Singapore. As this will allow them to better plan resources to bolster social cohesion and ensure fair and equitable distribution of resources and to prevent ethnic unrest. This project aims to provide visualisations that will aid in this process.
How do Different Households In Singapore Spend Their Money?
The scope of this visualization is to look at Singapore households expenditure patterns and to understand what goods and services different households spend more on. This is so as to answer the projects main problem statement “How do Different Households In Singapore Spend Their Money?”
Detecting Spatiotemporal Patterns of COVID-19 in Central Mexico
COVID-19 has rapidly spread worldwide in 2020 since it was first reported in Wuhan,China and has affected the lives of many people and nations. Understanding the spread of this virus based on spatio-temporal patterns, will enable agencies to better plan and utilise resources. As such this study aims to do this by analysing the COVID-19 situation in Mexico, specifically in Central Mexico
Understanding and Analysing Changes in the Supply of Childcare Services
The availability and proximity of childcare services are increasingly important to parents in Singapore. As such this study aims to understand if there has been positive changes in the supply of childcare services from the year 2017 to 2020 and if they are able to meet the demand especially.