

Rahmah Nur Rizki

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Bitcoin Forecasting Analysis
Socio-Economic Cluster by K-Means Clustering
HELP International have been able to raise around $ 10 million. Now the CEO of the NGO needs to decide how to use this money strategically and effectively. So, CEO has to make decision to choose the countries that are in the direst need of aid. Hence, your Job as a Data scientist is to categorise the countries using some socio-economic and health factors that determine the overall development of the country. Then you need to suggest the countries which the CEO needs to focus on the most.
Stunting Prediction on 0-50 Months Children - kNN Classification
This topic will be discussed about model comparisons between Logistic Regression and k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) for the best predictor of the classes using IFLS 5 Data from RAND
Employees Burn Out - Multivariate Linear Regression
In this section, we would like to explore the Burn Out Rate on Employees and its factors using Multivariate Linear Regression. can it describe clearly?
Twitter Mini Sentiment Analysis - Gojek Visual Analysis
This project is intended for LBB 2 at Algoritma Data Science School. The role of social media will be in the main spotlight, how people react to "Gojek" in keyword searches on Twitter, and analyze how Gojek has become a conversation with Twitter users over the past days.
Women Workforce in 2016 - Flex Dash Example
Demo for Interactive Plotting Data: Tidytuesday - "Women in Workforce"