

Sanjay Menon

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Degree Of Seperation between compnents
This R code displays the Degree Of Separation between components using Reingold Tilford and Breadth-First search algorithm
Text Mining On Incident Data
Application of NLP on Incident tickets
Fraud Detection
This program uses the data mining package in R (DMwr) by Luis Targo .The dataset utilized in the program contains 401,146 transaction reports. Each report is made by a salesperson identified by an ID and reports the quantity sold of some product. The data set contains information on 5 variables: ID (salesperson ID), Prod (product ID), Quant (the sold quantity), Val (the reported value of the transaction) and Insp (a factor containing information on a inspection of the report with possible values 'ok',' fraud' or 'unkn'). We want to decide which transaction reports should be considered for inspection as result of strong suspicion of being fraudulent.We want the guidance to take the form of a ranking of fraud probability
Decision Trees
Utilizing Decision Trees for validating the alerts configured in a SIEM environment
Network Analysis using igraph and Statistical Analysis using ggplot
There are currently many tools available in the market to perform security analytics function.R provides a rich sources of libraries which can be utilized to perform these function.The example here shows the usage of igraph and ggplot to achieve the visualization
Wine Quality Analysis
A comparative analysis of Red and White Wine