

Sheng Feng

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Milestone Report for Data Science Capstone Project
This is the capstone project for the Data Science Specialization. In this report, we demonstrate some basic features of the dataset and do some exploratory analysis with the unigrams in the data.
Predicting barbell lifts class with activity data
Using various machine learning techniques to perform prediction on the quality of barbell lifts from sensor data collected by fit devices.
Old Faithful Prediction
An R presentation showcasing the shiny app for old faithful prediction.
Simply plotly with mtcars
A simple scatter plot made with plotly.
Simply plotly with mtcars
A simple plotly figure showing some variables in mtcars.
I85 Bridge Collapse
A map that shows the location where the I85 collapsed due to the fire on March 30, 2017.
Reproducible Research: Storm Data Analysis
We analysis the Storm Data from National Weather Service, and try to determine the severity of consequences of each type of storm