

Amoul singhi

Recently Published

Predicting Defaults in Credit Card
Predicting Defaults in German Credit Card using Logistic and LASSO
Understanding LASSO
Linear Regression and LASSO on Boston Housing Data
Predict Telco Customer Churn
Predict Telco Customer Churn using Logistic, Tree and Random Forest
Tree model to predict birth weights of infants
Tree model to predict birth weights of infants
Understanding SVM with Heart Disease Data
Understanding SVM with Heart Disease Data
KNN classifier on IRIS Dataset
KNN classifier on IRIS Dataset
Logistic, LDA and QDA on Titanic Dataset
Logistic, LDA and QDA on Titanic Dataset
Multiple Linear Regression on Prestige Dataset
Learning Multiple Linear Regression: One model at a time
Mapping world oil production
Map of world oil production by Country
Classification Tree and Random Forest using Diamond Dataset
Classification Tree and Random Forest using Diamond Dataset for Kaggle
Data Viz, Linear Regression and Cross Validation on Diamond Dataset
Data Visualization, Linear Regression and Cross Validation on Diamond Dataset from Kaggle
Credit Card Fraud Detections using Various Classification Alogithams
CredicCard Fraud Detections using Various Classification Alogithams Logistic Regression Tree Based Model SVM Random Forest
Visualization in R with Pokemon Data
Visualization in R with Pokemon Data
Understanding K Nearest Neighbors Regression
Understanding K Nearest Neighbors Regression
Understanding K Means
Understanding K means using a set of bivariate data.
Undestanding Time series with timetk
Prediction of Sales of Beer using timetk
World Happiness Index
Visualization of World Happiness Index. Initially published at I have redone the analysis of my own practice.
Data Wrangling with R Project
Data Wrangling with R Mid Term Project by Amoul Singhi.
Amoul Singhi
Hello! Here is a brief introduction about myself.