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LBGT Twitter Analysis
Preliminary analysis from twitter data
TF.IDF'yi anlamak
Bu doküman metin madenciliğinde sıkça karıştırılan TF.IDF skorunun mantığının anlaşılması için hazırlanmıştır. TF.IDF skoru bir dokümanda geçen kelime sıklığından ziyade dokümanlardaki sıklıklarını da hesaba katan bir skordur. Örneğin bir külliyatta en fazla geçen kelime 've', 'veya' gibi kavramlar olduğu halde TF.IDF değerine göre bu değerler en az puana sahip olacaktır.
Dr. Suat ATAN
Kısa Özgeçmiş ve Çalışmalar
Türkiye İller Arası Ticaret Ağı 2017
İller arasındaki ticari ilişkilerin hacminin görselleştirilmesi. Dr.Suat ATAN
A tool for getting rid of SQLServer chores
Declaration variables and setting initial value in SQLServer is boring chore. To circumvent that I've developed a script. Just define your variables then assing the which value you want then get result and copy-paste it to SQLServer Suat ATAN
Today Turkish Stock Market (Wordcloud)
Continue to Text Mining. The word cloud generated from today's tweets about 'Borsa' in Turkish
The wordcloud from 1000 tweets about Ankara'
I mined the frequent words from 1000 tweet corpora about Ankara.
Publish Plot
The sentiment anaysis about opinions about Turkey. 2000 tweet evaulated. The histograms x-line defines the positive and negative opinion. For example -2 means the 'tweet which have 2 negative values' about turkey. +2 is vice versa. As it shown the negative opinions about Turkey obvious because histogram is left-skewed. The zero-valued tweets means the tweet which have not any opinion either positive or negative.
Sentiment Analysis in Twitter for term 'Turkey'
The sentiment anaysis about opinions about Turkey. 2000 tweet evaulated. The histograms x-line defines the positive and negative opinion. For example -2 means the 'tweet which have 2 negative values' about turkey. +2 is vice versa. As it shown the negative opinions about Turkey obvious because histogram is left-skewed. The zero-valued tweets means the tweet which have not any opinion either positive or negative.