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Stack Overflow Tag Network
New Prophet Forecast Ad Revenue
Prophet Forecasting Ad Revenue.
Cypto Currency Market Gap
CryptoCurrency Fun
Top 5 Exchanges/Coins
Bar Chart Browser Resolution
Browser Type Stacked Box Plot
Stacked Box Plot showing resolution via Browser type
Adwords and Google Analytics - Lost Revenue By Budget or Rank as well as Revenue from Campaigns
TimeSeries V2
Time Series Trend Channels
Decision Tree Breakdown
By Device and Channel using Google Analytics API and using a few libraries to get a Tree with a Channel Grouping by Device report based on Sessions
#puertoricorelief location analysis
1,000 tweet locations using the hashtag #puertoricorelief
Organic Trending Forecast Using Holt Winters
Upper & Lower Bounds included using a segment for organic traffic based on historical 3 years. Always good to capture at LEAST 3x the amount of data that you are planning on forecasting. If you want to forecast 1 year, then grab the last three years and make sure it is aggregated down by day. If you do it higher level, the more variability will occur and you'll be very sorry... Advice given.
Text Mining Calls
Text mining transcribed phone calls using Google Speech API and R with textmining package as well as ggplot and others- but this one in particular is using the Wordcloud package and RColorBrewer
AA Vs GA Differential
Home Depot Tweet Timetable
When do people tweet (and retweet) about Home Depot
Sentiment Analysis HD
You can see the one negative plot that is coordinated below the base, and the positive, although most were neutral in the analysis
Topic Modeling - HD
What I've done now - is I've essentially weighted, ranked, both hierarchially and associatedly the words into specific categories and modeled them via "Topic Modeling" method.
Hierarchical Clustering
Cluster dendogram of 6 clusters. It is grouping words by weight, association and hierarchically
Word Associations HD Twitter
This was interesting. Now only if you could zoom in. I can though...
HD Word Weight Ranking
Word Frequency Ranking, basically...
HD Wordcloud Twitter Analysis
If you saw my post. Then you know what this wordcloud is of.
My Twitter Followers
DD's Twitter Followers
Using Google Maps API and Twitter API
Twitter Follower PlotTopic modeling: are there groups of followers with specific interests?
Topic modeling can be used to categorize words into groups. Here, we can use it to see whether (some) of my followers can be grouped into subgroups according to their descriptions.
Positive and Negative Twitter Follower Descriptions
What are the most postive and negative words via the sentiment analysis in my twitter follower's descriptions. Demonstrated here.
Sentiment Score Descriptions Followers
Most of my followers have predominant positive sentiment in their descriptions- this is important for the following graph to see how it all comes together.
Common Descriptions - Twitter Followers & Pairs
Basically most common "paired" descriptions which in this case having a lower sample, this is not a surprise looking at it.
Followers Common Words In Their Descriptions - Wordcloud
Need I say more.
Commonly used words in my follower's descriptions
What are the most commonly used words in my followers’ descriptions?
Is there a correlation between number of followers and number of tweets?
Yes. But maybe if I had more followers...
How Active Are My followers
Influence of Twitter Followers of my Account
I also have information about the number of followers that each of my followers have (2nd degree followers). This shows that my followers have a descent amount of followers compared to other profiles
Smarthome Wordcloud Twitter
Need I say more?