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Analysing the phenotypic spectrum and genetic associations of CLN6 disease with the Human Phenotype Ontology
I wrote this script for a paper describing a rare disease caused by genetic variants of the CLN6 gene. The script served three purposes: 1. translating the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) term IDs of the patient records into HPO term names 2. replacing HPO terms of variable specificity with HPO terms at a defined, more general level 3. generating publication-ready plots of HPO term frequencies. Summarizing HPO terms at the organ system level revealed that the eye was the third most often affected organ in CLN6 disease. This was hidden by the heterogeneity of the original HPO annotations, and had not been noted in previous publications.
Violin box plots: Characteristics of CLN6 disease
One of my favorite kind of plots for comparing data which might not be normally distributed.
Target gene expression levels in tumor and normal tissue - visualising the therapeutic window of a candidate anti-tumor T cell receptor
The two figures together visualise a key message of the featured paper:
T cells transduced with the AFPc332 T-cell receptor recognised target cells in vitro which expressed alpha fetoprotein (AFP) at levels found in ~30% of liver tumors. However, these levels were outside the range of AFP expression in normal tissues and diseased liver. This supports the use of AFPc332 T-cells as a safe and effective anti-cancer agent.