

Joseph Walker

Recently Published

Analysis of Personal Smart Phone Usage using the Moment App
Moment is an app for the iphone that tracks your daily usage. This document explains what the Moment app is, how to use it, and dives into analysis of personal data tracked over the period of a month.
California Counties Employment Statistics
This assignment was created to demonstrate various skills in R related to the UC Berkeley Extension Data Science Principles & Practice Course. The assignment focuses on tidying data using tidyverse packages, building a choropleth map, and building an interactivy shiny app to visualize various employment statistics for california counties during 2016.
forcats tutorial
This is a tutorial of the forcats package describing various functions useful for dealing with factors.
Iceland Presentation
Bay Area Bike Share Trip Analysis
Each year, Bay Area Bike Share publishes their system wide trip data for public use.
Text Mining & Analysis with Twitter
A tutorial on webscraping, text mining, and data analysis using various R packages.