

Thomas Lumley

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The logrank test can behave weirdly in the presence of left truncation.
GSS: women in the home
The New York Times published an article “Do Millenial Men want Stay-at-Home Wives”, with disturbing graph showing that about 50% of millenial men agreed or strongly agreed with “It is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family.”
Reading and checking bus data in Brisbane
Visual lineup for car-crushing laws
The NZ government elected in late 2008 introduced legislation during 2009 to allow for crushing of cars used for street racing. In 2016, the Police Minister released data on how well the law had worked. This analysis uses a visual lineup on the data
Car crushing and car crash injuries in NZ
The NZ government elected in late 2008 introduced legislation during 2009 to allow for crushing of cars used for street racing. In 2016, the Police Minister released data on how well the law had worked. This analysis looks at the injury data, which were published by the NZ Herald.
Car crushing and car crashes in NZ
The NZ government elected in late 2008 introduced legislation during 2009 to allow for crushing of cars used for street racing. In 2016, the Police Minister released data on how well the law had worked. This analysis looks at the data, which were published by the NZ Herald.
A hextri example
Air stagnation, temperature, and air pollution in Seattle
Power conversions
How to convert sample sizes or detectable effect sizes from the power they used to the power you wish they'd used
Furlong, firkin, fortnight: methods and group generics
An example of S4 methods, arithmetic operations, and group generics, to implement numbers with units in two internationally recognised systems.
Non-linear vs non-monotone
In which I get in a snit about people who show and discuss fitted quadratics without showing the data or at least a smoother.
Interrupting the Supreme Court
Analysis of interruptions of US Supreme Court judges by other judges during oral argument
SF rental price trends
Redoing the analysis by Eric Fischer, with arguably better graphs
XKCD colours
Rounding the XKCD colour-survey database to the top 2^n colours
The Great Kiwi Cherry Ripe Scandal, Part IV
How often does your bag of chocolate have all five types of bar?
The Great Kiwi Cherry Ripe Scandal, Part III
Randomisation of chocolate bars, now with unequal probabilities
The Great Kiwi Cherry Ripe Scandal, Part II
Probability calculations for random selection of chocolate bars in a pack.
The Great Kiwi Cherry Ripe Scandal
Probability calculations for random selection of chocolate bars in a pack.