

Yunting Chiu

Recently Published

Data Analyst Case Study
Loan data from Lending Club and the customer orders data
Statistical Machine Learning for Bitcoin Prediction
Linear, logistic regression & KNN, QDA, LDA models
SVM Models
Tree-Based Methods
works on Boston Data
step_bs(), step_discretize(), and step_cut()
Decision Trees and Random Forests
Tree-Based Methods
Tuning Hyperparameter
find the best lasso and ridge regression
Shrinkage and Hyperparameter Tuning
L1 L2 regularization and tuning hyperparameter
PCA in the tidyverse Framework
Principal Component Analysis
Introduction to the Bootstrap Method
K-means Clustering
By using Palmer Station Penguin Data with k = 3, k = 5
cross-validation and bootstraps
Stratify the sampling according to the churn variable
LDA, QDA, KNN Models Implementation
Use Weekly and Auto datasets to implement
LDA, QDA, KNN models
LDA, QDA, KNN for modeling customer churn
training and testing datasets
perform train and test datasets using rsample package
Hello RStudio
Rstudio basic guidance
biomass data for linear regression
KNN explanation, explain coefficient table
Predicting COVID Death Determinants
regression trees by using rparts
Linear Model Selection
Adjusted R, BIC, CP
Fitting Regression Models
with a GPA dataset
Regression with Matrix Algebra
Linear Regression Assumptions
diagnostic model
F-statistic, MSE, MSE, R-squared
intercept and slope
b0 and b1
one sample and two-sample t-test
Food Safety in Africa
Data Cleaning, Visualization, and Statistical Analysis with R
forcats and lubridate
lubridate packages
stringr and Regular Expressions
Lahman’s Baseball Dataset
practice keys in dataset
readr and tidyr
practice readr and tidyr
dplyr practice
Data Visualization
Pipes Functions Logicals
write functions suing R
Introduction of markdown
my first R project
Tidy Text
Tidy Text using R packages
List Columns and COVID19
COVID19 using data scraping
APIs and Scraping
APIs and Scraping using R
Lists and Iteration
Manipulate vectors in base-R syntax. Apply iterations with for loops.
stringr and lubridate
Manipulate dates and times with lubridate
College Scorecard and World Bank Data
tidy data using tidyverse
US Socioeconomic Factors of COVID-19
Web Scrapping, Regression Model, COVID-19 Topics Resources
Linear Model Reviews
simple linear regression and multiple regression using parsnip package